суббота, 19 января 2008 г.

Скотт У. Вентрелла - Сила позитивного мышления в бизнесе / The Power of Positive Thinking in Business by Scott W. Ventrella

The Power of Positive Thinking in Business by Scott W. Ventrella

One of the most powerful forces in business today is the positive psychology movement -- overcoming self-defeating attitudes and developing our talents and positive traits. Much of the new thinking, in fact, stems directly from the concepts in Norman Vincent Peale's great classic bestseller, The Power of Positive Thinking, which has been translated into forty-two languages and has sold over 22 million copies.

Now, after years of extensive research and field testing, working in cooperation with the Peale Center and major corporations nationwide, Scott Ventrella has adapted those concepts into a systematic program for people in business to achieve greater levels of personal and professional performance. The Power of Positive Thinking in Business provides a practical way for each of us to develop and actually strengthen the ten traits of a positive thinker. Inevitably, our performance rises to new levels when we learn how to overcome negative attitudinal barriers such as fear, lack of self-confidence, and low self-esteem, and instead develop the traits that characterize a positive thinker: optimism, enthusiasm, belief, integrity, courage, confidence, determination, patience, calmness, and focus.

The Power of Positive Thinking in Business encourages us to concentrate on objective, rational thinking instead of self-limiting beliefs and negative self-talk. The result is an increased ability to deal effectively with tough situations and difficult people, in both business environments and personal lives. Together, rational thinking and the ten traits of a positive thinker can turn defeatist behavior into productive actions that will overcome the toughest of challenges with powerful, positive results.

Best of all, these practical yet powerful concepts are applicable to businesspeople at all levels, disciplines, and functions within an organization, and have been adapted to appeal to people of all faiths.

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Скотт У. Вентрелла - Сила позитивного мышления в бизнесе

«Поверьте в себя» — эти простые слова Нормана Винсента Пила изменили жизнь многих людей, в том числе и автора этой книги, который превратил идеи своего наставника в последовательную программу, позволяющую каждому деловому человеку усовершенствовать личностные и профессиональные качества. Оптимизм, энтузиазм, вера, целеустремленность, мужество, уверенность в себе, решительность, терпение, спокойствие, сосредоточенность — вот 10 основных качеств преуспевающего бизнесмена. Благодаря советам авторам вы сможете развить в себе эти замечательные качества и достичь невероятного успеха в своем деле.

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